潮宴Chao Yen Teochew Cuisine

适逢虎年,领了花红后就带家人去吃一顿好的。这一次是弟弟介绍位于ONe Utama的潮宴Chao Yen Restaurant,正好合了我们潮州人的胃口,想不到在这里还可以吃到道地的潮州菜,看到爸爸点的富国芋泥,就知道他有多喜欢这个甜品了。先不说这些,来看看我们到底吃了些什么吧!

南乳芋头滑鸡煲 RM20
Braised chicken with yam in fermented bean curd

梅子蒸荷包鳕鱼 RM50
Steamed cod fish with plum sauce in salted vegetables

概菜肉碎四季豆 RM15
Long bean with minced pork and preserved olive

菜脯煎蛋 RM10
Scrambled egg with preserved turnip

潮州冷盘拼 RM18
Teochew assorted cold dish

富国芋泥 RM6
Sweeten mashed yam with gingko nuts

普尔热茶 RM4/人
Pu Er Tea


潮宴-潮州料理 Chao Yen Teochew Cuisine
地址:Lot 122B, LG2, Sunway Pyramid / Lot LG 311a, LG, 1 Utama Shopping Centre










Chaoshan cuisine, also known as Teochew cuisine, enjoys worldwide reputation in the world of culinary. A unique tradition originating in the Hanjiang River Delta, dated back to a thousand years, Teochew cuisines has evolved to be Guangdong's three chief culinary cultures.

The shared food culture and dietary habits of the people in Chaozhou-Shantou region and the Minnan folks, infused with influences from Guangzhou, Teochew cuisine has emerged a style of its own - an embodiment of the essence of Chao, Min and Guangzhou cultures. Teochew cuisine also banks on its rich and unique diversity - attributed by cross-cultural influences from the early Chinese immigration to Southeast Asia, and also distill-ing the best of the other food cultures.

The dietary customs of the Teochews can be summarized in for lines of 16 Chinese Characters - soup is a favorite and congee an addiction; passionate about freshness but embracing original rawness too; fried-styled food is well-loved, stewed dish is a must-have; smoking is a routine but tea is a must. Teochew cuisine’s common cooking techniques are stir-frying, steaming, stewing and pickling. Teochews are known to be more inclined to creating strong, aromatic, fresh and sweet experience in their food. The use of barbecue sauce, plum sauce and ginger wine as seasonings to accentuate the tastes in Teochew cuisine goes to reflect Teochew folk’s resourcefulness in creating exquisite flavors using inexpensive, everyday ingredients.

On Chinese New Year’s eve, stewed duck, steamed pamphlet are essential dishes for reunion dinner in Teochew traditions, the piping-hot fish-head steamboat is the main highlight and centerpiece on the dining tables as the family gathers to share the warmth and festive mood of a sumptuous reunion meal and it is also the New Year custom of the Teochews.

It goes without saying how Teochew folks love their soups and congees, but they are even more passionate about seafood and braised dishes. A simple bowl of Teochew congee eaten with various spread of pickled vegetables, gives enriching gastronomic experience. Traditional Teochew steamed fish, chilled crab, omelets with dried radish, stewed duck meat – enhanced with fermented bean sauce, fish sauce, garlic paste, plum sauce and tangerine extract – are signature dishes at Chao Yen Restaurant.

Chaozhou (Teochew) is historically known as the "Confucius-Mencius hometown near the sea" and the "famous region on the seashore east of the live ridge". Since Jin-era and Tang Dynasty, Chaozhou has along standing cultural legacy of producing famous historical scholars.

NO MSG is added in our dishes as preservation of the original food taste is our top priority.
